Wednesday, May 21, 2008

3 Ways To Please A Woman In Bed

3 Ways to Please Your Woman In Bed

1. Take control and be strong - Being gentle isn't something to be avoided always, but in bed, it's better to remember that you're the man. You need to take control and be strong. Women aren't fragile, and most of them like confident, powerful, and physical lovemaking. This doesn't mean that you need to be rough. Just make long and strong strokes. Also, don't be afraid to place your weight firmly on your woman. Many of them love it.

2. Don't think you're in a porn movie - The exposure to pornography has really destroyed the ability of many men to please their women in bed. Porn scenes are made for the viewers' pleasure, not the actors. Don't try to act out a scene with your woman. This means that you don't have to switch positions every 2 minutes or try acrobatic ones. Follow the K.I.S.S principle: Keep it simple, stupid.

3. Make sure to talk - Women get pleasure not just from their bodies, but also from their emotional side. Women are always self-conscious about their appearance, lovemaking skills, your pleasure, etc. To really allow her to loosen up and reach an orgasm, you should communicate with her during sex. Don't talk too much, but occasionally whispering in her eat, telling her how gorgeous she is, and how great she makes you feel will make her fears evaporate and leave her ready to experience the pleasure you provide.

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